Thursday, September 3, 2009

If you really love the game, then why is it all about the money?

This is the second post in my blog and I have decided to write a new post everyday Monday-Thursday.

I hear all the time" not happy with their current contract situation. They are looking for a new contract or a trade" If they don't like their contract then why did they sign it? I always hear about an athlete saying they have "outperformed" their contract and they want a new one, but I have never heard of an athlete saying they underperformed so they would like to restructure their contract to make less money. AND... I know I have never heard of an athlete giving money back for not living up to their contract. The name attached to this situation right now is Brandon Marshall of the Broncos. His contract for his first 3 years has made him around $2.2 million combined. For $2.2 million the Broncos have gotten 226 receptions, 2899 yards, and 15 touchdowns. I would say that the Broncos got a deal on that one. Now Brandon Marshall wants a new deal. I understand that he has outplayed his contract, but he signed that contract so he needs to honor it. He is currently not handling the situation well, and actualy has been suspended by the team. The deal is, for every guy like Brandon Marshall that outplays his contract there are 10 guys like Ryan Leaf ( 4 yr-$32.5 million, 2ys for San Diego 3172 yards, 13 touchdowns, 33 INTERCEPTIONS!!!) and Akili Smith ( 7 yrs-$56 million, 4 yrs for Cincinnati 2212 yards 5 touchdowns in 4 years!!!, and 13 interceptions). I have no problem with Brandon Marshall feeling like he deserves more, but I still think he needs to honor the contract that he signed. If I was an NFL GM and Brandon Marshall was a free agent I would give more money to the Brandon Marshall that played hard throughout his contract even though he wasn't making very much money. The Brandon Marshall that didnt complain. The Brandon Marshall that was hungry for a better contract so he went out and continually proved that he was worth every penny. That would show me what kind of player and person he is, and I gurantee every team in the NFL would be breaking the bank for a guy like that. The Brandon Marshall that complains everyday, doesnt show up for meetings, doesnt know the playbook, has tantrums in practice like a little child, that Brandon Marshall sadly enough is going to get paid but he is not going to make as much money as the other Brandon Marshall. Athletes always say "It's not about the money". Well if its not about the money then why are you making it about money?

More than Sport, It is Life

1 comment:

  1. Im counting on you to keep posting things like this to keep my updated and informed on sports! Good read.. and good point. You never hear of people doing this in their real jobs. What ever happened to doing what you love just because you love doing it? Heck, for every trantrum-throwing Brandon Marshall, there are at least 500 guys who would be willing to work harder and get paid less to be in his shoes and a good percent of them would be just as successful if given the shot. Sounds like he needs to put on his big girl panties and deal with it. Little pansy.
