Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Leave it on the Field

You are always told “leave it on the field”. No matter what happens during the game, leave it on the field. This concept should go both ways. If a fan does not like what happens during the game then they have the right to boo. If there is a bad call or a bad play then by all means, boo your hearts out! After that, it is over. Get it all out of your system at the game, leave it on the field.

Leodis McKelvin of the Bills could be blamed for the loss on Monday night when he fumbled the kickoff late in the fourth quarter. The fans were crushed, but at the end of the day it is one game. McKelvin had his home’s lawn vandalized after the game by a disgruntled fan. This act of vandalism is absolutely inexcusable. With football players being killed inside their homes, and in drive-bys, vandalism of a player’s home because of a loss is sick. It is not funny at all. A player fumbling in a game does not mean he deserves for him and his family to feel unsafe.

The person that did this needs to be punished and made an example of. Sure, it just a front lawn, but the principle is what is the matter with this situation. Fans have no right to invade these players privacy and make them feel less safe. If the fan truly cared about his team he would not have done this. Now instead of McKelvin getting over what happened and focusing on next weeks game, he now is distracted my police reports, media questions, and other unnecessary distractions.

Fans need to learn where the line is and take two steps back from it when they do find it. These athletes are people just like the fans and they need their private lives to be private when they actually get the opportunity to have a private life. Fans need to learn to leave it on the field!

More than Sport, It is Life.

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